Acupuncture & Integrative Methods
“Acupuncture” encompasses a highly diverse field of medicine that developed over the course of three millennia, and continues to evolve under the influence of clinical practice, culture, geography, and scientific research.
Our team of practitioners are trained in various styles of acupuncture as well as supporting modalities, both traditional and modern. The priority is always to tailor a session best suited to your comfort, preferences and treatment goals.
Read below about some of the acupuncture styles we currently offer.
About acupuncture
Japanese acupuncture is known primarily for subtler, gentler needle technique, the application of moxa, and the use of palpation for diagnosis, customization, and feedback during sessions. We specialize in gentle-yet-powerful Kiiko Matsumoto Style, practitioners having directly studied and apprenticed under this world-renowned living master.
In ancient China, philosophies such as Daoism and Five Elements theory infused continuous innovation in medical practice. In this way, acupuncture developed according to a “systems-based” approach, in contrast to the “reductionistic” approach that is prevalent in modern Western medicine. Therefore, in order to understand how to treat a symptom or illness, in traditional Chinese medicine all systems are evaluated as part of a whole being that requires balance in order to maintain harmonious function of both body and mind.
Our practitioners utilize traditional methods of diagnosis such as pulse, tongue, palpation, questioning, and other forms of observation to identify imbalances that can be supported through the use of acupuncture point stimulation. Often your session will include recommendations on movement, nutrition or other lifestyle modifications in order to support your treatment outcome.
Neurological rehabilitation styles practiced at our clinic include Xing Nao Kai Qiao/ Nanopuncture, Neuroacupuncture (Chinese scalp acupuncture), Neuro-Meridian Integrative Acupuncture, French Medical Auriculotherapy, and functional neurology-informed acupuncture approaches, all of which target disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Learn more.
We offer treatment for injury, pain and sports performance that is informed by modern orthopedics and soft tissue therapy. "Dry needling" and other orthopedic needling styles have ancient roots in acupuncture techniques and have grown even more powerful due to the synergistic, integrative evolution of acupuncture practice for pain management.
"Dry needling," also referred to as trigger-point needling or intramuscular needling, is a technique our acupuncturists perform routinely in order to release tight bands of muscle and help reset chronic pain patterns.
Using orthopedically-informed approaches, our team also routinely works with cases of chronic arthritis, scoliosis, whiplash, sacroiliac dysfunction, spinal pathology, ligament sprains or laxity, functional muscle inhibition, and so much more.
Highly effective for pain, anxiety, addiction and more, acupuncture points on the ear (auriculotherapy) can be used to regulate functions throughout the body and central nervous system. Auricular treatments are often incorporated into regular acupuncture sessions, but can also be performed affordably as a stand-alone treatment in our waiting room at any time. Complementary "ear seeds" (acupressure pellets) are often added to help extend the results of treatment after the patient leaves the clinic.
An evidence-based approach for pain management, tissue repair and neuro-rehabilitation, electrical stimulation can be safely used to augment the effects of manual acupuncture in many cases. Research finds that at specific frequencies and body areas, electroacupuncture ("e-stim" or "EA" for short) causes the body to release powerful neuropeptides including beta-endorphin, enkephalin, dynorphin, CGRP and endo-cannabinoids. Auricular electroacupuncture can also be used as effective vagus nerve stimulation.
A non-insertive style of Japanese acupuncture, Shakuju involves a traditional diagnosis of the body's overall condition and imbalances, followed by very gentle treatment involving the stimulation of the surface of acupoints with a fine teishin (non-insertive "needle"). Deeply relaxing and balancing, Shakuju makes a great treatment for the needle-shy.