
Bridge founder and head clinician Dr. Grace Rollins, DAc is a leading expert in acupuncture-supported rehabilitation of neurological conditions including post-stroke, Parkinson’s, MS, neuropathy, paralysis, neurogenic pain, post-concussion/TBI, cognitive decline, and more.

Why acupuncture for treatment of neurological conditions?

While there is a great deal of complexity regarding the multi-modal mechanisms of acupuncture, research has shown for decades that acupuncture’s effects are largely mediated by its action on the peripheral and central nervous systems. Based on multiple studies and meta-analyses, we know that acupuncture can:

  • Target blood flow to specific areas of the brain and increase metabolic activity at receptive sites

  • Modulate the release of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and other signaling molecules

  • Regulate inflammation in the central and peripheral nervous systems

  • Promote the health and regular firing of peripheral nerve tissue

  • Engage the brain’s inherent neuroplasticity and “re-mapping” ability

  • And much, much more.


How is acupuncture used in East Asia for neurological conditions?

Acupuncture is highly regarded in China and other parts of East Asia as a first-line, evidence-based modality for stroke rehabilitation and other conditions. In fact, many methods currently being researched and incorporated in Western medicine—such as trans-cranial electrical stimulation for brain disorders, vagus nerve stimulation for dysautonomia, and tibial nerve stimulation for overactive bladder— are drawing upon principles that have already been a part of acupuncture neurology practice for decades.

Western and Eastern medicine inform each other, and complement each other, when it comes to finding the best therapies to optimize the human nervous system. An advantage of acupuncture is it is a relatively non-invasive, extremely safe modality that can even sometimes help a patient reduce the need for medications and surgical interventions.

What Neuro-Acupuncture patients can expect

  • Leading up to your first evaluation, Dr. Rollins will review your medical history and any imaging reports, doctor's records, labwork or other information you provide. This background information can be important for your first session so please submit any electronic records to us as early as you can.

  • Your first visit will include questioning, functional neurological testing, gait analysis, and traditional acupuncture methods of diagnosis such as palpation, pulse and tongue diagnosis.

  • Because most patients wish to see improvement as soon as possible, the first appointment with Dr. Rollins will typically include an acupuncture treatment. Dr. Rollins will also provide a treatment plan that includes a recommended course and schedule of acupuncture follow-ups, customized advice for nutrition, exercises, herbs or supplements, and other lifestyle interventions.

  • Treatment methods for Neuro-Acupuncture sessions are primarily acupuncture, electroacupuncture, photobiomodulation (red light therapy), auriculotherapy and moxibustion. Dr. Rollins may also incorporate specific functional exercises, Qi Gong exercises, and other rehabilitative methods suited to the specific condition.

  • Post-concussion syndrome/TBI, post-stroke recovery, neuropathy, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, migraine, vertigo, Meniere’s, dysautonomia, nerve pain, damage and entrapment, trigeminal neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, paralysis, dystonia, functional neurological disorders, phantom limb, loss of taste and smell, vision disorders, aphasia, dysphagia.

    We also frequently work with complex cases lacking a standard diagnosis.

  • Dr. Rollins is happy to coordinate your care in conjunction with your health care provider as a member of your integrative medical team. She also may be able to provide quality referrals to specialists in our region to support your ongoing care.

  • For suitable conditions, our clinic may be able to accommodate Neuro-Acupuncture therapy to those traveling from outside our region by means of short courses of intensive treatment and coordination of treatment plans with your local acupuncture provider. These intensives require advance scheduling; please contact us for more information.