Yin-to-Yang Seasonal Change: Time for a Tune-Up

In classical Chinese medicine, our bodies are not seen as separate from the phenomena of nature. The transitions between seasons tend to be the most unstable, vulnerable times for human beings, when annoying symptoms and remitted conditions are more likely to flare up or be slow to recover. In particular, the transitions from Yang-to-Yin (Spring/Summer to Fall/Winter) and Yin-to-Yang (Fall/Winter to Spring/Summer) are difficult times for our health, and therefore a great time to harmonize with an acupuncture tune-up.

Even without our prompting, we notice every year that our clinic gets very busy during these transitions. We love taking care of the people we've been seeing over the years, and really like to emphasize the value of using acupuncture as preventative medicine-- to manage stress, keep your immune system healthy, and address symptoms before things get too haywire! We hope you will look ahead at your schedule and book a session if we haven't seen you in a while. It's also the perfect time to try acupuncture if you're new to our practice.

Enjoy those buds and flowers as they start to appear! 


Bill Murray: A Sage for the Spring


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