Misook Lee, MS, LOM

About Misook

After using traditional Chinese medicine for many years to heal herself and her family, Misook began her studies in acupuncture in Korea in 2014 at the Ttmsarang Moxibustion and Acupuncture Academy. While interning for several years at Bridge, Misook earned her Masters in Acupuncture with distinction from Won Institute of Graduate Studies in 2020, and her certification in Chinese Herbal Medicine from Won in 2022.

Skilled in treating patients for fertility, postpartum, menopausal and other women’s health concerns, she is also enthusiastic in helping patients with pain and injury. She is one of very few US-based practitioners certified in F.A.C.E. Korean Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture and proudly completed two modules of study in Neuro-Meridian Integrative Acupuncture under Dr. Poney Chiang.

Outside of the clinic, Misook enjoys self-care with breathing exercises and stretching, cooking Korean food, long walks outside, and time with her husband, sons and grandchild. She continues to keep herself happy and healthy with acupuncture and moxibustion.

“I was born and raised in Korea. After I was married, I unexpectedly miscarried my first baby. Later I had successful pregnancies, but after my second son was born my health seriously deteriorated. I was depressed and felt nothing could help me at that time. However, I slowly regained my health by practicing Kouksundo, a traditional Korean abdominal breathing and meditation practice. My eyes began to open to the power of natural healing practices.

“In Korea, people can learn acupuncture and moxibustion for personal care. Out of curiosity, I learned about Koryo Hand acupuncture-- a popular Korean style-- and used it for family care. This was when I discovered how amazing acupuncture could be at immediately solving common health problems. After enrolling in a one-year course at Ttmsarang Moxibustion and Acupuncture Academy in 2014, I was captivated. Studying moxibustion and acupuncture was like finding a treasure that had been hidden. I started experiencing even more miraculous cases of using this ancient medicine for family care.

“Around this time, I started to consider a new life as an acupuncturist in the USA. I hesitated about making such a life-changing decision, facing so many reasons not to: advanced age, the language barrier, family situations, insecurity and so on. However, my husband and my two sons knew what I wanted to do and they are all my big supporters. So, I started my new journey.”

More about Misook

    • 1-year program, Ttmsarang Moxibustion and Acupuncture Academy, Korea, 2014

    • Study abroad program, Donguibogam Academy, Korea, 2019

    • Clinical intern at Bridge Acupuncture, 2020-21

    • Women's health, peri-menopause, menopause, hormonal balance, fertility

    • Pain management, musculoskeletal pain, chronic and acute pain

    • Mental and emotional health

    • Facial Acupuncture for Charm and Elegence (FACE) system of Korean Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture

    • Expand health and longevity!

    • Cooking healthy foods and studying nutrition and medicinal cuisines

    • High Intensity Interval Training

    • Meditation and Kouksundo training

    • Ongoing study of Herbal Medicine

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